High and Low of Oud


A book of 34 pieces and exercises for Oud-players and Oud-learners of intermediate-level and higher.
After decades of teaching Persian music and playing the Oud, Negar has put her experiences into sets of etudes and relevant exercises that are designed to improve the musicality and quality-technique (such as ornamentations), as well as providing players with combinations of possibilities on the instrument to expand their musical expression; especially for bringing Persian music and Oud characteristics together, in a more aesthetic way.

The exercises are accompanied with explanations and suggestions for expanding on the ideas, in two languages English and Farsi (Persian language).
The book is printed, in 44 pages.
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Here are some sample pages from the book:
pages 6, 21, 26 & 30.

You can also check these videos of Negar performing some of the exercises.
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In order to purchase a copy, please write through the form on Contact Page.
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